Nike Footballs

Facilities & Investment

Are you looking to improve the football facilities at your club?

We can offer support and guidance to clubs who are interested in applying for funding for instance to develop their clubhouse, for grass pitch maintenance or to replace their goalposts. Developing facilities can help clubs to retain teams and develop new ones.  

The Football Foundation have funding opportunities available including for the following areas:

- Grass Pitch Maintenance
- Changing Pavilions and Clubhouses 
- Portable Floodlights 
- Storage Containers
- Replacement Goalposts
- Grass Pitch Maintenance Machinery 
- Fencing 
- 3G Pitch Maintenance Machinery 
- Small Sided Faciltity Improvement 
- Creation of new grass pitches
- Support to install Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) and External Storage Cabinets at grassroots football facilities.
- Energy Support Programme to support clubs and organisations to become more energy-efficient.

Please note if you have already started work on a project or have already purchased equipment then it is unlikely that your application will be approved for funding. From the 31st of August 2023 to the 31st August 2024  Westmorland CFA have had grants awarded by the Football Foundation to the value of £30,139 for projects to the value of £41,786

If you would like guidance to apply for funding for your club email:

 Ullswater v Ibis.j


PitchPower is the Football Foundation’s app for inspecting and improving grass pitches. PitchPower Reports are completed by the Regional Pitch Advisor once the data is submitted through the app. The advisor compiles a report with advice and recommendations which can be used to improve the grass pitch and also support grant applications.

If you would like support to complete a PitchPower assessment email: 

Pitch Power